All this information below will help you, but please feel free to contact us anytime at with questions.
Our supplier/decorator will once again be Superior Expo Services. Click here for the 2025 Exhibitor Kit. You may also contact them by phone at (972) 271-7444. Your booth is simply your space with black pipe and drape (8' back wall and 3' side walls) and Superior can supply nearly everything else. You may also bring in your own booth stuff but commonly ordered items from Superior include draped tables, chairs, carpet & more.
Electrical and internet are both ordered directly from the Cobb Galleria.
Basic electrical (computer charging-type outlet) goes for $91 pre-ordered. They prefer you ordering through their online ordering system here. If necessary you may also call 770-989-5051 to order.
Internet and electrical are both ordered directly from the Cobb Galleria.
Wifi users are usually around $125 per show (pre-ordered, per device). Faster speeds available. They prefer you ordering through their online ordering system here under 'Technology'. If necessary you may also call 770-989-5051 to order.
We are fortunate in our state to not have a lot of set-up and design regulations. All booth amenities must be within the allotted space (nothing in the isles) unless pre-approved. Anything deemed unsafe in the opinion of the expo organizer (such as tipping hazards) will be required to change. We also ask that there be no solid side walls on your booth that block the view to your neighbors for the attendees that are walking down the isle. The provided drape rods will support normal banners but in general are not to be used as booth support. Helium balloons can be used, but only if they are attached securely to your booth. Please do not hand out helium balloons.
We have learned from several exhibitors they are receiving scam emails offering attendee lists for purchase. Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with Pinners or Bennett Events and they do NOT have the data they are attempting to sell. Scams may also include fake invoices and hotel booking scams. Do not interact with these. Our emails are from We are a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent or sell our email lists. Please be on guard! Spammers are known to impersonate employees and illegally use show logos.
There is a new policy that the Cobb will not receive any freight on behalf of exhibitors. Shipping and handling should be coordinated through Superior Expo above or personal arrangements. You may possibly receive and sign for items shipped to the Cobb yourself if you can gaurantee its arrival while you are there for set-up days. If you have any more questions you may contact our office at
An exhibitor has suggested one more option. You can also get your freight shipped to YRC Freight Line on Airport Industrial Blvd in Marietta and arrange a dock pick up. It's about 1.5 miles from the Cobb Galleria and it's a great way to save shipping budget money.
Set-up is Thursday, April 24th between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Enter at the back part of the building (southeast side, via Galleria Parkway SE) to get into the loading dock area. It is open set-up (no assigned times). Check-in at the desk near the back loading docks for information, exhibitor badges, location help, etc. Please plan on unloading and then moving you car before you finish your set-up. Drive-ins to the building itself are not allowed during set-up day. The Cobb would prefer that we not have early set-up on Wednesday for liability reasons. They've also asked that there be no children during load-in and load-out times for liability reasons.
Take-down is anytime after 7 p.m. (to 11 p.m.) on Saturday evening. No early take downs please!
You may park in the back (east or south) for loading and unloading only. On show days please use the main front parking lots for your vehicle. There will be a Cobb parking fee of $10. Utility trailer parking is available at a Cobb co-owned Marshalling Yard southeast of the facility but there is a fee for this lot (up to $100). See a map for directions to the trailer lot here.
If you would like a custom promo code that you can give to friends and followers for $5 off any tickets online, please request it here.
You can find information about our 2025 host hotels by following this link. Make sure to book through the link to receive our Pinners rate! Or if calling in, make sure to mention the Pinners Room Block in order to get the rate.
Raffle Prize
As an exhibitor you can also contribute a raffle prize to be given away at our VIP night kick-off party without any additional cost! Raffle prizes must be valued at $50 or more and end up being highly- talked about items throughout the weekend.
Swag Bag
We also wanted to remind you that you can contribute items to our swag bag for free! Each of our presenters and VIP attendees will receive a swag bag to kick-off the event. All we ask is that you don’t give any flyers or coupons. Instead, share a teaser of the products you have to offer. Contributing a gift like that to the swag bag will have our most influential group of attendees talking about and purchasing your stuff all weekend long. You will need to bring 300 items with you to set up Thursday morning, and we’ll take care of the rest.
If you'd like to participate, please email Darienne.
Cobb Galleria does not allow giving away drinks or water. If you are dealing with any food items at the show, you'll need to fill out the Cobb Galleria's Food and Beverage Authorization Form and email it to Trey. This application needs to be submitted 30 days prior to the event. If you are cooking or warming anything at the show you will also need to fill out and send Trey this Cooking Form. No need to fill this out if you are a teacher demonstrating in the kitchen classroom.
You will also need to fill out the Health Department's Temporary Food Handlers Permit here (There will be a $105 fee, paid to the health department) and email it to Alina. The health department paperwork needs to be submitted and paid by March 24th.,
Contact Number: 770.387.3610
Cobb County has a tax rate of 6%. Vendors must file a form Misc FS-32. Once the event is over, the vendor is expected to complete the form and remit the appropriate amount of tax collected by check or money order with the FS-32. The form and payment should be mailed in no later than 1 week after the close of the event. Please mail in your form to Tamaka Hudson at the Georgia Department of Revenue 314 E. Main St. Ste 150 | Cartersville, GA 30120-3322.
*This information is presented to be helpful service and not gauranteed as complete.
We are proud of the marketing we do for Pinners Georgia. We do extensive marketing to make sure everyone hears about the fun and your great business. We will include a media-wide campaign including TV, billboards, relevent print options, national DIY and craft organizations, women's group email campaigns and of course many of the nation's most popular bloggers, electronic and social medias.
Booth space is available by contacting Bennett Events at Booths are 10' x 10' and 8" x 10" and generally run $849. Bennett Events is a leader in connecting businesses with custom audiences and people.
To download a Media Kit with information on exhibiting at Pinners Georgia (including maps, testimonials and pricing), click here.
Superior Expo's 2025 Exhibitor Kit here.
Trade shows are consistently the #1 marketing return on investment among all options.
If you need GRAPHICS to help you promote, please click for a higher resolution version of the image. Then drag & drop to your desktop.